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Trend Micro ServerProtect for Microsoft Windows and Novell NetWare
Simple Effective Anti-Malware Protection for Enterprise-class Servers

Trend Micro ServerProtect

ServerProtect for Microsoft Windows and Novell NetWare

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Data protection with encryption for desktops, laptops, and removable media


Enterprise servers can be a vulnerable, centralized point of information exchange. Even from inside the network, users or applications without adequate protection can unintentionally upload infected files to the server, which can spread to other systems that access these files. Additionally, large organizations may have hundreds or thousands of individual server machines that require monitoring, configuration, and maintenance. More importantly, today’s sophisticated attacks can target multiple points on the network and leave unseen trails of damage and the potential for re-infection.

Trend Micro ServerProtect delivers the industry’s most reliable virus, spyware and rootkit protection while simplifying and automating security operations on servers. ServerProtect scans and detects malware in real time and incorporates cleanup capabilities to help remove malicious code and repair system damage. Administrators can use one management console to centrally enforce, administer, and update malware protection on every server throughout an organization. This robust solution enables enterprises to secure the entire server file system including compressed archives, distribute virus patterns to remove any viruses that get through, and help automate the damage cleanup process to resolve problems left by virus infections. As a result, the cost and efforts associated with a virus infection can be significantly reduced.


Threat Protection

  • Viruses
  • Spyware
  • Rootkits

Protection Points

  • Microsoft servers
  • Novell NetWare servers

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