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Trend Micro 5G Security for Enterprises

Security platform for end-to-end enterprise connectivity.

Closing the cybersecurity gap in enterprise digital transformation

As the 5G rollouts gain momentum and enterprises begin assessing use cases for deploying new networks, securing them and their connected devices shouldn’t be an afterthought. Although 5G has been designed from the ground up with security at the forefront, it is not entirely secure.

As we transition to the new reality, the ideal cybersecurity solution aims to meet end-to-end security demands in entire enterprise networks.

Trend Micro makes cloud migration easy with services designed for cloud builders.

Technology innovation in private 5G networks

To take advantage of private 5G connectivity, enterprises need an onboarding process for technology innovations, such as cloud-native applications, virtualization, and open API. It is essential to understand the security demands corresponding to these technology innovations.

Hybrid cybersecurity for private 5G networks

As a data-centric enterprise network, 5G is expected to bring dramatic changes to IT and completely new management assets for enterprises with IoT.

Our cybersecurity platform for 5G and IoT security protects the end users who use new technologies and the partners who deploy them, enabling secure information exchange in a connected world.

Protect your 5G, 4G/LTE, NB-IoT, and other private mobile networks with end-to-end security, which enables enterprise zero-trust posture and covers:

Endpoint Security

  • Mobile device visibility
  • Mobile device zero-trust protection
  • Radio network access control

Enterprise 5G Security management

  • IT&CT joint defense

End-to-End Protection

  • Data network threat detection/protection
  • Mitigation the cyber risks of 5G core service

MEC Security

  • Edge application protection

Use Cases


Today, we are witnessing the ongoing integration of IT and OT networks that will lead to the emergence of true smart factories. 5G mobile networks will take this transformation to unprecedented levels, creating new cybersecurity risks to the production line.

Shopping malls

In the era of 5G everything will connect through mobile networks – smart cars, health care devices, city utilities, factories, and businesses. Take a closer look at how IT security is set up in a commercial retail environment.

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