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Trend Micro Vision One
Detection and response across email, endpoint, server, cloud workloads, and networks

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Trend Micro Vision One
The Complete XDR Solution

See More. Respond Faster.

A purpose-built, threat defense platform that goes beyond other XDR solutions

With a combined context, events that seem benign on their own suddenly become meaningful indicators of compromise, and you can quickly contain the impact, minimizing the severity and scope.

Detect and respond across more security layers

See more by connecting email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, With extended detection and response (XDR), you can see more. By connecting email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads and networks, you can gain a broader perspective and a better context to an attack-centric view of an entire chain of events with the power to investigate and action response from a single place.

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Increase risk visibility

Gain role-based views of multiple security posture metrics and trends. Respond faster and more proactively thanks to a consolidated view into valuable insights, such as key detections, endpoints with observable attack techniques, prioritized lists of risky devices and users, and unsanctioned cloud app usage.

According to ESG, organizations with XDR

Experience 50% fewer successful attacks

Would need 8 full-time employees to replace XDR capabilities

Reduce attack dwell time by 65%

Trend Micro XDR

See what you’ve been missing

With today’s ever-evolving threat landscape, it’s not enough to just have advanced security protecting your users and infrastructure, you need capabilities in place to help you respond rapidly to threats that may breach your defenses. Despite having layers of advanced protection, there is no such thing as 100 percent prevention, it only takes a single threat to make it through for your organization to be 100 percent at risk. To avoid serious and widespread damage, your goal needs to be; prevent as much as you can, and detect and respond quickly if a threat does break through.

Key Business Issues

  • Stealthy threats continue to evade even the best defenses
  • Disconnected security layers with siloed tools and data sets make it difficult to correlate information and detect critical threats.
  • Too many alerts and overloaded organizations don’t have the time or resources to investigate

Many organizations today use multiple, separate security layers to detect threats across their endpoints, servers, network, email and cloud infrastructure, leading to siloed threat information and an overload of threats with little means to correlate and prioritize them. Investigating threats across all these disparate solutions makes for a very piecemeal and manual investigation process that can miss threats altogether due to lack of visibility and correlation. Many detection and response solutions only look at endpoints—and therefore miss threats that enter through user emails, the network, and servers—resulting in a very limited view of the breach and provides an inadequate response. To have a true picture of threats affecting your entire organization it’s important to have native integration into detection and response functions across email, server, network, cloud workloads, as well as the endpoint.

Detection and response is a vital security requirement for all organizations, but the truth is most organizations are resource and skillset constrained. Modern detection and response currently requires a significant amount of time and dedicated expert resources that most organizations don’t have.

Trend Micro XDR extends detection and response beyond the endpoint to offer broader visibility and expert security analytics, leading to more detections and an earlier, faster response. With XDR, customers can respond more effectively to threats, minimizing the severity and scope of a breach.

Ready to Get Started with Trend Micro XDR?

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered. Get in touch with an XDR Solutions Specialist today to learn more!