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Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer 1200
Enhanced protection against targeted attacks

Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer 1200

Deep Discovery Analyzer 1200

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Targeted attacks and advanced threats are customized to evade your conventional security defenses and remain hidden, while stealing your sensitive data or encrypting critical data until ransom demands are met. To detect targeted attacks and advanced threats, analysts and security experts agree that organizations should utilize advanced detection technology as part of an expanded strategy to address today’s evasive threats.

Deep Discovery Analyzer extends the value of existing security investments from Trend Micro and third parties (through a web services API) by providing custom sandboxing and advanced analysis. It can also provide expanded sandboxing capabilities to other Trend Micro products. Suspicious objects can be sent to the Analyzer sandbox for advanced analysis using multiple detection methods. If a threat is discovered, security solutions can be updated automatically.

Key Benefits

Better Detection

  • Superior detection versus generic virtual environments.
  • Superior evasion resistance.

Tangible ROI

  • Enhance existing investments through integration and sharing of threat. intelligence and additional processing capacity for high traffic environments.
  • Remove time consuming manual analysis of suspicious files.
  • Protect against expensive ransomware remediation.
  • Flexible deployment options for centralized or decentralized analysis.

Ready to Get Started with Trend Micro Deep Discovery?

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