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Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector
Stop targeted email attacks leading to data breaches or ransomware

Deep Discovery Email Inspector

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Stop spear phishing attacks and targeted ransomware


Targeted attacks and advanced threats have proven their ability to evade conventional security defenses and exfiltrate sensitive data, or encrypt critical data until ransom demands are met. Trend Micro Research shows that more than 90% of these attacks begin with a spear phishing email containing a malicious URL or attachment that is undetectable by standard email or endpoint security.

By working in tandem with your existing secure email gateway or by replacing it completely, Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector uses advanced detection techniques to identify and block purpose-built spear phishing emails often used to deliver advanced malware and ransomware to unsuspecting employees. Deep Discovery Email Inspector can be deployed in MTA (blocking), BCC mode (monitor only), or SPAN/TAP mode.

Key Benefits

Better Protection

  • Stops spear phishing emails, which are responsible for most targeted attacks
  • Detects ransomware before systems are compromised
  • Finds threats invisible to standard email security by using custom sandboxing

Tangible ROI

  • Stops targeted spear phishing and ransomware, avoiding costly damage clean-up
  • Works seamlessly with existing email security solutions
  • Shares indicators of compromise (IoCs) with network and endpoint security layers

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